Procurement & Tenders made easy!

VivantFM builds contract pricing sheets in excel and analyses tender pricing submissions.  Last minute changes? No problem. A new custom cost sheet can be generated in minutes!

Audits and Inspections

VivantFM is a powerful inspection and reporting platform to measure, manage and monitor service outcomes in real time

Quotes, Work Orders & Invoicing

Seamless transition from Quotes to Work Orders and Invoicing.  VivantFM also monitors contract pricing and price changes.

Time and Attendance

VivantFM records time on site and tracks movement of service personnel on site. Induction and work checklists can be rolled into site attendance login.

Customer Surveys

Benefit from stakeholder and end-user feedback and problem reporting

Training and Induction

Maintains records of all induction, formal training sessions and toolbox talks

Customer Surveys

Benefit from stakeholder and end-user feedback and problem reporting

Contract communications

Eliminate email searches and 'he said, she said' communications, VivantFM logs and track emails and contract communications.

Unlimited Custom Dashboards

Self populating custom dashboards for real time and set period data. Auto assembly of Reports.

Contract document storage & access

Upload important documents relating to contracts

Customise layout

Add your company colours and logo to pages in a flash

Intuitive Fast Form Builder

Build custom audits, surveys and forms in minutes.   Accommodates any scoring system,  photos, comments,, signatures and benchmarks



We love to do online demonstrations.

We're pretty proud of our Australian developed software and we love to wow! our customers.

So don't hesitate.  Click the button below and one of our team will contact you.